DIY wire frames
Category: DIY | January 14th, 2011i saw this fun DIY project over at Under the Sycamore, and had been wanting to do something like it since then. except i didn’t have any chicken wire…soo good ole plain wire will do. :)
had these little frames laying around for some time now. happy to use them finally! also…i would totally use spray paint over actual painting (because um it’s way faster) but gotta stay away from the spray paint for now. acrylic is next best thing in my opinion.
gave them one coat. i like the worn out look. otherwise just do a couple of coats and you’re good to go.
after it was dry i used these nifty little eye screws. if you don’t have those laying around then small hooks, nails, or even thumb tacks will work. :)
had some of this jewelry wire stuff and it worked perfectly. doesn’t need to be hardcore wire since i’m just hanging a few photos. you can use string or yarn or anything else creative too.
(lighting is a bit different in baby’s room) simply hang up the frames with some small nails and yay!
this is a good start to the family pics. i know there are lots more to add. so i need to print out some more. (don’t worry M&D) ;)
excited to find out what she’s going to look like!
**i am so excited about these frames. when baby girl is here, i can’t wait to stand in front of them and point out everyone’s photo and tell her how much they love her! tender. lol and eventually be able to put names to their faces. :)
peace and love
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